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This section will list new features available to authors using TQS 2.5, with links to reference pages for more information.
- TQS Element: USESSOUNDS attribute enables use of sounds.
- ABOUT Element: Provides a description of your application.
- BGSOUND Element: LOOP attribute sets loop settings.
- REPORT Element,
TYPE Element: Specifies if and how TQS should build a score report.
- FINISH Element: Specifies text and/or button(s) to display when a location has
been completed.
- BUTTON Element: SUBST attribute supports all dynamic values.
- STATEIMG Element: Allows specifying custom state images.
- MENU Element: SHOWSTATES and DONEITEMS attributes allow customization
of menu appearance and behavior.
- CORRECT Element,
INCORRECT Element: Supported by more location types and directly by global
settings. SOUND attribute associates sounds with each type of answer.
- QUESTIONS Element,
ANSWER Element: Supports new question types: true-false, type-in-answer, and
mixed sets, as well as question sounds.
- HANGMAN Element: SHOWSCORE attribute tracks and displays scores.
- HTML Element: SUBST attribute supports all dynamic values;
STATEONLOAD attribute sets the location's state when loaded; SHOWSCORE attribute displays the score table.
- CUSTOM_* Element: SHOWSCORE attribute displays the score table.
control report generation and location state.
- REPORTTITLE Element: Specifies how a location is displayed in the report.
- STYLES Element: SUBST attribute allows dynamic values to be used in style
- USERNAME Dynamic Value: Contains the name of the current user.
- xmlRetrieveEx Function,
xmlGetText Function: Provides new ways to get XML data.
- xmlSetAttr Function,
xmlSetText Function: Allows you to modify XML data.
- getLocState Function,
setLocState Function,
getCurLocState Function,
setCurLocState Function: Retrieves and sets location states.
- getStateImg Function: Retrieves the image associated with a state.
- setScoreValue Function,
offsetScoreValue Function,
getScoreValue Function: Retrieves and sets the current score (tried,
correct, incorrect).
- locFinished Function: Use FINISH text/button(s) in custom locations.
- getDynVal Function: Retrieves a dynamic value's contents.
- playSound Function,
playSoundFile Function: Plays correct/incorrect sounds, or sound files.