Quick FactsName: | Perseus PURR-see-us | Meaning: | Hero (Proper) | Abbreviation: | Per | Genitive: | Persei | Visible in Latitudes: | 90° thru -35° | Viewing Season: | Fall | Best Seen In: | December, 9:00 pm | Transit Date: | November 12 | Right Ascension: | 3.71 hours | Declination: | 41.8 degrees | Area: | 614.997 sq. degrees |

Star Diagram

About PerseusPerseus, the rescuer of Andromeda, had a quest to bring back the head of Medusa. Not knowing her whereabouts, he went to the three sisters of Polydectes, who were blind and shared a glass eye. They refused to help him until he stole the eye and would not return it until they told him where to find Medusa. Using a shield given to him by Minerva, he avoided looking directly at Medusa and beheaded her. Pegasus sprang out of the Medusa's blood and he rode him back to Artos, where he found Andromeda chained to the rocks as a sacrifice to Cetus. Using the Gorgon's head, Cetus turned to stone. Perseus and Andromeda fell in love, and both were placed among the stars. 
Named Stars | | | Name | Star |
Mirphak | Alpha Per | Algol | Beta Per | Miram | Eta Per | Menkib | Xi Per | Atik | Omicron Per | Gorgonea Secunda | Pi Per | Gorgonea Tertia | Rho Per | Gorgonea Quarta | Omega Per |

Messier Objects | | | Name | Type |
M34 | Open Cluster | M76 | Planetary Nebula |

Neighboring Constellations |