Quick FactsName: | Gemini JEM-in-eye | Meaning: | Twins | Abbreviation: | Gem | Genitive: | Geminorum | Visible in Latitudes: | 90° thru -60° | Viewing Season: | Winter | Best Seen In: | February, 9:00 pm | Transit Date: | January 14 | Right Ascension: | 7.19 hours | Declination: | 22.7 degrees | Area: | 513.761 sq. degrees |

Star Diagram

About GeminiCastor, a horseman, and Pollux, a boxer, were inseparable twins and accompanied the Argonauts on their adventures. They calmed the seas when rough weather threatened. They can still be seen, allegedly, today, when twin balls of lightening, or St. Elmo's fire, appear in the rigging of ships, signaling that foul weather is near. 
Named Stars | | | Name | Star |
Castor | Alpha Gem | Pollux | Beta Gem | Alhena | Gamma Gem | Wasat | Delta Gem | Mebsuta | Epsilon Gem | Mekbuda | Zeta Gem | Propus | Eta Gem | Propus | Iota Gem | Tejat Posterior | Mu Gem | Alzirr | Xi Gem | Propus | 1 Gem |

Messier Objects
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