Quick FactsName: | Serpens SIR-pens | Meaning: | Serpent | Abbreviation: | Ser | Genitive: | Serpentis | Visible in Latitudes: | 80° thru -80° | Viewing Season: | Spring | Best Seen In: | July, 9:00 pm | Transit Date: | May 18 | Right Ascension: | 15.71 hours | Declination: | 9.1 degrees | Area: | 636.928 sq. degrees |

Star Diagram

About SerpensSerpens is a very ancient constellation, and is always shown in the grasp of Ophiuchius. It was this serpent that revealed the secrets of healing the dead to Ophiuchius. The serpent is the symbol for the poison, venom, that can both cure and kill; Ophicuchius controls it and uses it to heal. The constellation is divided into two parts: Serpens Caput, the head, and Serpens Cauda, the tail. 
Named Stars | | | Name | Star |
Unukalhai | Alpha Ser | Alya | Theta 1 Ser |

Messier Objects | | | Name | Type |
M5 | Globular Cluster | M16 | Open Cluster |

Neighboring Constellations |