"IconViewer 3.02 32-bit edition for Windows XP and newer versions",
- One of the following Microsoft operating systems:".
- Windows Vista
- Windows Server 2008
- Windows XP
- Windows Server 2003
"- 1 MB of available hard drive space
"x86nt2k" => array("download/IconViewer3.02-Setup-WinNT4.0-2000.exe",
"IconViewer 3.02 32-bit edition for Windows NT 4.0 and Windows 2000",
"- One of the following Microsoft operating systems:".
- Windows 2000 with Internet Explorer 5.5 or newer
"- Windows NT 4.0 with Internet Explorer 5.5 or newer
"- 3 MB of available hard drive space
"Internet Explorer 6 SP1 can be downloaded at the Internet Explorer web site."),
"x869x" => array("download/IconViewer3.02-Setup-Win9x.exe",
"IconViewer 3.02 32-bit edition for Windows 98 and Me",
- One of the following Microsoft operating systems:".
- Windows Me
"- Windows 98 with Internet Explorer 5.5 or newer
"- 3 MB of available hard drive space
"Internet Explorer 6 SP1 can be downloaded at the Internet Explorer web site."),
"x64" => array("download/IconViewer3.02-Setup-x64.exe",
"IconViewer 3.02 x64 edition",
- AMD 64-based or compatible system
"- One of the following Microsoft operating systems:".
- Windows Vista x64 Edition
- Windows Server 2008 x64 Edition
- Windows XP Professional x64 Edition
- Windows Server 2003 x64 Edition
"- 2 MB of available hard drive space
"210x869x" => array("v2/win9x/ivsetup.exe",
"IconViewer 2.1 for Windows 95",
"- One of the following Microsoft operating systems:".
- Windows Me
"- Windows 98 with Internet Explorer 5.5 or newer
"- Windows 95 with Internet Explorer 5.5
"- 1 MB of available hard drive space
$p_first = "x86";
function echodl64($wow64)
global $p_first;
$p_first = "x64";
$header = "";
$note = "";
$header = "You appear to be running a 64-bit edition of Windows. If you are running an x64-based system, we recommend downloading:";
$note = "Note: IconViewer is not available for Itanium-based systems.";
} else
$header = "You appear to be running an x64 edition of Windows. Recommended download:";
web_echorecommend(array("x64"), $header, $note);
web_echoothers(array("x86", "x86nt2k", "x869x", "210x869x"));
web_echosysreq("x64", array("x86", "x86nt2k", "x869x", "210x869x"));
function echodlx86($ntver)
$ver = "Windows XP or newer, 32-bit edition";
web_echorecommend(array("x86"), "You appear to be running ".$ver.". Recommended download:", "");
web_echoothers(array("x86nt2k", "x869x", "x64", "210x869x"));
web_echosysreq("x86", array("x86nt2k", "x869x", "x64", "210x869x"));
function echodlnt2k($ntver)
if($ntver == 5.0)
$ver = "Windows 2000";
$ver = "Windows NT ".$ntver;
web_echorecommend(array("x86nt2k"), "You appear to be running ".$ver.". Recommended download:", "");
web_echoothers(array("x86", "x869x", "x64", "210x869x"));
web_echosysreq("x86nt2k", array("x86", "x869x", "x64", "210x869x"));
function echodl9x($ver)
web_echorecommend(array("x869x"), "You appear to be running ".$ver.". Recommended download:", "");
web_echoothers(array("x86", "x86nt2k", "x64", "210x869x"));
web_echosysreq("x869x", array("x86", "x86nt2k", "x64", "210x869x"));
function echodl95($ver)
web_echorecommend(array("210x869x"), "You appear to be running ".$ver.". Recommended download:", "");
web_echoothers(array("x86", "x86nt2k", "x869x", "x64"));
web_echosysreq("210x869x", array("x86", "x86nt2k", "x869x", "x64"));
function echodl()
web_echoedlist(array("x86", "x86nt2k", "x869x", "x64", "210x869x"));
web_echosysreq("", array("x86", "x86nt2k", "x869x", "x64", "210x869x"));
function echodownloads()
global $p_browserInfo;
if($p_browserInfo[5] == "nt")
// first test 64-bit
if($p_browserInfo[0] == "ie")
$browser_string = strtolower( $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] );
if($p_browserInfo[6] >= 5.2)
if(stristr($browser_string, "Win64"))
if(stristr($browser_string, "x64"))
} else
} else if(stristr($browser_string, "WOW64"))
// We don't know if this is WOW64 on x64 or Itanium
} else
} else
if(stristr($browser_string, "Win64") || stristr($browser_string, "WOW64"))
// We don't support 64-bit on NT 5.1
} else if($p_browserInfo[6] >= 5.1)
} else if($p_browserInfo[6] >= 4.0)
} else
} else
if($p_browserInfo[6] >= 5.2)
$browser_string = strtolower( $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] );
if(stristr($browser_string, "Win64"))
if(stristr($browser_string, "x64"))
} else
} else if(stristr($browser_string, "WOW64"))
// We don't know if this is WOW64 on x64 or Itanium
} else
} else if($p_browserInfo[6] >= 4.0)
} else
} else if($p_browserInfo[5] == "win")
if($p_browserInfo[6] == "me")
echodl9x("Windows Me");
} else if($p_browserInfo[6] == "98")
echodl9x("Windows 98");
} else if($p_browserInfo[6] == "95")
echodl95("Windows 95");
} else
} else
IconViewer 3.02, a freeware utility, is available for download.
IconViewer's installation package can accept several
command-line switches for modifying the setup experience. These can be used to assist in