Star Identification
The brightest stars of a constellation are identified by a Greek letter. Beginning with alpha, stars are assigned letters
primarily by decreasing magnitude. A particular star can be identified by naming the Greek letter and then the genitive
form of the contellation, or its abbreviation. For example, the brightest star in the contellation Centaurus is Alpha
Centauri, or Alpha Cen for short. In addition to these systematic names, many stars also have Arabic names.
The following table lists the letters of the Greek alphabet.
|  |  | |  |  | |  |  |  | alpha |  | eta |  | nu |  | tau |  | beta |  | theta |  | xi |  | upsilon |  | gamma |  | iota |  | omicron |  | phi |  | delta |  | kappa |  | pi |  | chi |  | epsilon |  | lambda |  | rho |  | psi |  | zeta |  | mu |  | sigma |  | omega |