Further Learning
For more information on constellations and stars, and on astronomy in general, check out some of the following web sites and books.
Allen, R. Star Names: Their Lore and Meaning. 1899, 1965, Dover Books reprint. Krupp, E. Beyond the Blue Horizon: Myths and Legends of the Sun, Moon, Stars and Planets. 1991, Harper Collins. Motz, Lloyd and Carol Nathanson. The Constellations. 1988, Doubleday. Proctor, P. Star Myths and Stories. 1972, Exposition Press. Rey, H. A. Find the Constellations. 1976, Houghton-Mifflin. Ridpath, I. Star Tales. 1988, Universe Books. Schatz, D. Astronomy Activity Book. 1991, Simon and Schuster. |