PSP Thumbnail Handler 2.1's installation package, pthsetup.exe, can accept several command-line switches for modifying the setup experience. These can be used to assist in deployment.

In addition, once installed, the setup program setup.exe can accept command-line switches for uninstall.

pthsetup.exe [/passive | /quiet] [/u:unattend.txt]
unattend.txt", "Install options will be retrieved from the file unattend.txt. See the section Using an unattend file below for more information.") ), array(0, 0) ); ?>

When in passive or quiet mode, and an unttend file is not specified or does not specify all options, Setup will use default install options.

Note: When in passive or quiet mode, the PSP Thumbnail Handler license agreement is not displayed to the end user. You must read and agree to the License Agreement before installing PSP Thumbnail Handler on your computer or deploying it to another computer.

Setup.exe is located in the folder in which you installed PSP Thumbnail Handler, e.g. C:\Program Files\PSP Thumbnail Handler.

setup.exe /uninstall [/passive | /quiet] [/u:unattend.txt]
unattend.txt", "Uninstall options will be retrieved from the file unattend.txt. PSP Thumbnail Handler has no uninstall options, thus this switch has no effect.") ), array(0, 0) ); ?>

An unattend file is used to specify responses to the questions that the Setup wizard asks during installation. For normal mode (that is, when the quiet or passive switches are not specified), Setup uses the unattend file's values to populate the wizard, but the user can change the settings. In passive and quiet mode, the unattend file's values are used and cannot be changed.

An unattend file has the same format as a standard Windows configuration (ini) file. It consists of sections, containing key/value pairs. For example:

InstallPath", "The folder to install PSP Thumbnail Handler into. You may use environment variables, such as %ProgramFiles%.

Used during install only."), array("[PSPThumb]
Exts", "Which file extensions PSP Thumbnail Handler should handle. These must be in the format of a comma-separated list.

If the Exts key exists but has no value (that is, has nothing after the equals sign), no extensions will be handled.

If the key does not exist at all in the unattend file, PSP Thumbnail Handler will handle the default file types.

Used during install only.") ), array(0, 0) ); ?>

Following is an example of an unattend file for PSP Thumbnail Handler:

InstallPath=%ProgramFiles%\My Folder


When specifying an unattend file on the command line, you may use an individual file name, relative path, or absolute path. If the path or file name contains spaces, enclose it in quotes. For example:

pthsetup.exe /quiet /u:"C:\My Files\unattend.txt"