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Quick Facts

Visible in Latitudes:60° thru -90°
Viewing Season:Spring
Best Seen In:May, 9:00 pm
Transit Date:March 24
Right Ascension:12.47 hours
Declination:-13.3 degrees
Area:183.801 sq. degrees

Star Diagram

Star Diagram: Corvus

About Corvus

Corvus, the Crow, is a sacred bird of Phoebus Apollo in connection with giving prophetic functions. His wings were originally silver but were turned to black when he delivered bad news concerning the unfaithfulness of Cornis to Apollo.

Another story is that the bird was sent for a cup of water and returned to Apollo late, a water-snake in its grasp and a lie in its mouth. As punishment, Apollo banished the bird to the stars just out of reach of a cup of water, Crater, which is guarded by Hydra.

Named Stars

AlchibaAlpha Crv
KrazBeta Crv
Gienah GhurabGamma Crv
AlgorabDelta Crv
MinkarEpsilon Crv

Neighboring Constellations

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